Sunday, September 19, 2010

Fun & Games Under the Boat

I decided it was time to clean off the barnacles from the running gear of the boat: the trim tabs, rudder and propeller.
Every year I try to find some magic paint that would keep them off, but nothing seems to last very long and then there is no choice but to go under the boat with a scraper to clean them off. It helps with fuel mileage now that diesel is pushing $3.00 per gallon.
It was a good day to jump in with temperature in the high 80's and the water still in the mid 70's.

Friday, September 03, 2010

Five Weeks until we head South

Well Earl was a bust which was good, feeling short as we get ready to take
the boat south. The starting battery died, I was thinking of replacing it and it made up its mind for me. Now I just need to get the dinghy outboard back on and
then we start adding provisions for the trip

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